Tuesday, January 29, 2008


So, today's entry consists of TWO ENTIRE DAYS OF QUOTES. YIPPEEEEEEE!!!

If I ever have to start doing PowerPoint presentations in the class, just take me out back there and shoot me, willya?

There are many impolite people in the world, mathematicians among them

I was wearing a scarf this morning and someone, just a random person said, "You must be a scarf person." I said, "You must be a rude person."

What would Jesus do on the Canterbury pilgrimage?

You know these guys out on the quad who go around with the stick they use to pick up trash? Well one morning I saw one out there with a squirrel on the end of the stick.

I hate to mention Woody Allen because he's such a knave.

Chaucer's monk has four things on his mind-- hunting, hunting, hunting, and food.

I know a kid who became a monk. T--- S----. Kid most likely to become a criminal. He became a monk. I saw him at a wedding and his habit was just beautiful, he had a convertible Porsche, I said, "Hey, T---, it looks like the monk business is doing pretty well." He said, "That's between me and God..." That's Chaucer's monk.

I ate swan once. It was a huge swan sculpted out of potato salad at a Polish wedding.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

From Oyster to God in 60 Seconds

[and they describe this dream vision that they've had and then they wake up and say] "You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to write down that dream!" Well, save your effort, you've already done it!

No human being could eat that much food-- well, maybe Paul Prudhomme, but no human being.

You thought one pope was bad? They had two! They had three!

"Call me Ishmael." It sounds better than "call me Herman."

Since we're doing the general prologue I wore my "Canterbury Pilgrims" tie. Someone gave it to me, it's not the kind of thing you buy for yourself.

Don't ask me why there's seven sacraments. I asked a nun once why there were seven sacraments and she said, "because there's seven dwarves!" Years later I was trying to figure out which one was Dopey.

As lecherous as a sparrow, jumping around from one muffin crumb, as it were, to another.

And, you guys missed his TS Eliot impression, which can't be put into text, but.... it is forever burned on my brain.

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Art of Love

"I am a dog- show me the Ovid!"